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Factors make clean intermittent (self) catheterisation successful


Aims and objectives

To explore which factors determine successful intermittent catheterisation.


Intermittent catheterisation is a safe, effective treatment and is associated with improved quality of life, although negative issues are reported. Factors which determine adherence are largely unknown. An additional qualitative study was conducted to gain insight into patient's experience with intermittent catheterisation in everyday life.


A prospective multicentre study was conducted between March 2012–March 2013 with one year follow‐up.


Patients with a variety of diagnoses referred to the outpatient clinic, ≥18 years, performed catheterisation at least once a day for ≥3 months were included. Data were obtained by patients’ specific questionnaire Visual Analog Scale of quality of life regarding voiding problems, a questionnaire about catheterisation in daily practice, King's Health questionnaire, and a short questionnaire after one year.


Adherence of successful intermittent catheterisation can be influenced negatively by increasing age. However, we think catheterisation should be considered as an option for older patients. We could not conform that if intermittent catheterisation was beneficial for the patient, it would positively influence adherence. Further prospective studies on adherence of intermitte


Of the 129 (72 male) patients, mean age 62 (22–86) years, seven died and 63 stopped, 32/63 (50%) due to recovered bladder function. Fifty‐nine (47%) continued to perform catheterisation after one year. Forty‐seven (86%) patients reported catheterisation had become part of their life or had a positive effect on their life. A weak correlation was found between increasing age and cessation of catheterisation. Visual Analogue Scale – score on quality of life improved for the total group. The King's Health questionnaire identified in the total group that the impact of the bladder problem in daily life, limitations in daily activities and negative emotions decreased over time.